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The 19th century stable yard

The 19th century stable yard
NTPL Zoë Colbeck

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Turbine Taster

Our Archimedes Screw turbine is now well on its way to completion. If you missed the Guardian's coverage of the Screw's arrival a couple of weeks ago, see their article here:

Our ‘Turbine Taster’ evening last Thursday was a great success - it was our most popular Taster Day ever, with 30 participants from the local community and beyond. After some nice cheese and wine, people were able to hear more about the Archimedes Screw technology, see photos of each stage of the site construction, hear how the old mills used to work (like our historic Snuff Mill), see the 9,000 year old skull found on the site, see how the fish and eel passes will work and hear about how the project is helping the National Trust meet the aims of its Energy Strategy.

Henry Reily-Collins from Hallidays Hydropower explains how the Screw works (NTPL/Caroline Pankhurst)

 Dave Craddock from Mackleys shows photos from each stage of the construction (NTPL/Caroline Pankhurst)

The brushes to be fitted into the eel pass - shown by Paul Smith of Aquatic Engineering Control
 (NTPL/Caroline Pankhurst)

The historic waterwheel at Morden Hall Park - as talked about by Dave Saxby of
Museum of London Archaeology (NTPL/Caroline Pankhurst)

The evening concluded with a very exciting tour of the site, in the sunshine.  

Visitors are excited to get on to the site - it's the first time it's been open to the public
 (NTPL/Caroline Pankhurst)

Dave from Mackleys discusses the turbine with Jonathan Lewis from Merton Council's
Environment & Regeneration Team (NTPL/Caroline Pankhurst)

It's good to have Sarah Tebbot (now Morris!), ex Project Coordinator, and Nancy Falloon, ex Livinggreen Volunteer, back to see the latest developments (NTPL/Caroline Pankhurst)

The fish and eel pass equipment laid out for people to see (NTPL/Caroline Pankhurst)
Everyone's now looking forward to seeing the turbine finished and turning, soon after its completion on 30 August.  

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