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The 19th century stable yard

The 19th century stable yard
NTPL Zoë Colbeck

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

More Hydro Highlights

Work on our Archimedes Screw turbine continues well and is still on schedule to be finished at the end of August.

The site is really starting to take shape now and it is clear to see where the Archimedes Screw, the fish pass and the eel pass will be situated.

After the site was excavated and a concrete base was laid, the formwork was prepared in the section which will have the Screw in it:

 Formwork being prepared (NTPL/Caroline Pankhurst)
Concrete was then poured on top:

Concrete being poured (NTPL/Caroline Pankhurst)

The steel sheet piles were then cut down to size:

Cutting sheet piles (NTPL/Caroline Pankhurst)

More concrete was poured to form the wall dividing the Screw and the fish/eel passes - in this picture, the eel pass is on the far left, the fish pass next to it, and the Screw in the large area on the right:

The site with the fish/eel passes on the left (NTPL/Caroline Pankhurst)

More concrete was then lowered into the site to be poured carefully into the smaller areas:

Concrete being lowered (NTPL/Caroline Pankhurst)

Meanwhile, after the fish and eels had been moved safely downstream in the side channel, a sandbag wall was created at the end of the channel:

Sandbag wall (NTPL/Caroline Pankhurst)

Then a 'sweetening flow' (notch) was cut in the concrete wall to let the water back into the side channel. 
      Cutting the sweetening flow (NTPL/Caroline Pankhurst)

If you'd like to be among the first to see the Archimedes Screw in place, and find out more about how it will work, look out for more details soon about our 'Turbine Taster' evening on Thursday 26 July.

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