And so to Antwerp for 2 days of meetings with our European partners in the project. These twice yearly meetings are a chance to catch up on the progress of the 5 sustainable renovation projects and 2 behavioural change/awareness raising projects that make up the EU-funded project, as well as an opportunity to share knowledge and best practice. Luckily for us the meetings are held in English.
After an environmentally friendly Eurostar journey and a local train, we arrived at the amazing art nouveau Antwerpen Centraal station. From there it’s a short walk to our Antwerp partner’s base at the EcoHuis, a renovated warehouse in a densely populated part of the city away from the historic centre.
EcoHuis is a sustainable living and advice centre. As well as providing advice and information for local people through exhibits, garden, a demonstration house and an education programme, one of the EcoHuis’s initiatives is zoominopuwdak, which my non-existent Flemish translates as ‘zoom in on your roof'. The website allows people to zoom in on an aerial thermal image photograph of Antwerp and see how well their roof performs. Poorly insulated roofs stand out in red and orange against the better insulated ones and the EcoHuis hopes this will encourage people to insulate their roof, increase the energy efficiency of their home and reduce their heating bills. It’s obviously working, as to date the EcoHuis has supported the insulation of 1000 roofs in the city.
We’ll be back at the EcoHuis in 2 weeks for EcoHuis Dokter XXL, a three day programme of seminars, workshops and exhibitions looking at sustainable renovation in the city.
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